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V.I.P. EVENT - United Way of the Kearney Area

United Way of the Kearney Area hosted a VIP Event at the Kearney Regional Medical Center on September 27.

United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in every community. The United Way uses its infrastructure and experience to efficiently turn donations into results through its relationships with its many Local partners. The Community Investment process ensures that dollars donated to the United Way of the Kearney Area are distributed to the most needed programs and services each year in Education, Income, and Health.

Annually, Community Investment volunteers review funding requests, evaluate program results, and make funding recommendations to the local Board of Directors. Last year, the United Way of the Kearney Area funded 21 programs through 13 different partner agencies. Any United Way donor, who wishes to volunteer their time and expertise, can be a part of the Community Investment process.

United Way’s faithful stewardship ensures donors can confidently & conveniently donate to local organizations committed to the Kearney area's most pressing human social needs. Thousands of lives are changed each year through services and programs supported by the United Way.

United Way of the Kearney Area is located at 4009 6th Ave Suite 19. For more information, go to or call (308) 237-6840.

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